Most recent general report

Monthly reports: 01/2024

Dec 13, 2023 to Jan 25, 2024
Items Archived 0
Bitstream Views 3,054
Item Views 602
Collection Views 222
Community Views 356
User Logins 16
Searches Performed 0
Licence Rejections 0
OAI Requests 0
Content Type Number of items
All Items 1,502
Research Paper 75
Thesis or Dissertation 2
Preprint 0
(more than 20 times)
Item/Handle Number of views
Action Number of times
Bitstream Views 3,054
browse_by_item 820
browse 793
Item Views 602
browse_mini 415
Community Views 356
//localhost 231
Collection Views 222
Community List Views 126
browse_by_value 84
postgresql 60
/home/dspace/etc/postgres, classpath 60
file 58
authenticate 42
display_statistics 21
Error while retrieving DSpace object from discovery index 19
EPerson Record Updated 17
User Logins 16
User Home Page Views 16
io_error 11
Item Updated 10
User Login Failures 10
Workspace Item Views 3
Sending E-Mail Error 2
User Logouts 2
Registration Tokens Sent 2
Items Created 2
0e71503e-f7ef-473b-870d-3ce8f742d9ae 1
Workspace Items Created 1
OAI Requests 0
Searches Performed 0
Licence Rejections 0
Items Archived 0
(distinct addresses)
User Number of logins
Address 1 16
(more than 5 times)
Word Number of searches
Average views per item 1
Level Number of lines
Warnings 13
Log Processing Time 0 seconds
Output Processing Time 1 seconds
Log File Lines Analysed 14,202 lines